Normal Position
Casual sports | Contracted sports | OB |
60 sec | 30 sec | 1 hour |
35,000/= | 30,000/= | 600,000/= |
Special Position (Just before and after the news)
15 sec | 30 sec | 45 sec | 60 sec |
25,000/= | 30,000/= | 35,000/= | 40,000/= |
Live Programs In (Studio)
15 Minutes | 30 Minutes | 45 Minutes | 60 Minutes |
150,000/= | 300,000/= | 400,000/= | 600,000/= |
Recorded Programs
15 Minutes | 30 Minutes | 45 Minutes | 60 Minutes |
100,000/= | 200,000/= | 300,000/= | 500,000/= |
Program Sponsorship (Monthly)
15 Minutes | 30 Minutes | 60 Minutes |
2,500,000/= | 3,500,000/= | 5,000,000/= |
Use the following Bank details to facilitate your transactions:
- Account name – RADIO MWANGAZA
- Account number – 01J108 1673500
- Branch – CRDB